
Personal Update

For several weeks now those of you who are following this blog have been subjected to essays that I wrote for my Systematic Theology I class. If you still claim me as friend, bless your heart. 🙂 And thanks for sticking with me. I have 5 more essays to publish on here that I wrote for Systematic Theology II, but I wanted to take a break and tell you what has been happening with me.

Who would have thought that I would be spouting big words and writing from a Nazarene point of view? Not me, I assure you. But God leads, sometimes into strange places. These theology classes are not easy. Each week I have to submit 3 assignments. The first is usually due on Wednesdays. It contains 3 questions which I have to answer using no less than 250 words per question. The questions are based on the reading for the week. Writing is not the problem; understanding the material and discovering my own stand on the issues, however, is.

The second assignments are due by Saturdays, but I try to have them finished by Friday. It is a 900 word essay based on the reading for the week plus my own experiences and beliefs. These, dear readers are what I have been posting of late.

The third assignments are due by Sundays, but I turn them in on Fridays, as well. They are called Weekly Reflections, and they are just that—reflections on what I have learned all week. They are usually 500 words or so, and sometimes, they are the most difficult to write. 🙂

Each class is 6 weeks long. The 6th week there are no essays, because there is a huge, 3-hour test due by Saturday. I am in the middle of week 5 at the writing of this entry, and I am looking forward to being finished for the summer.

Why am I doing all this? In order to be ordained as a Nazarene minister, there is a certain number of classes one must complete. I think I have 10 more to go. Part of them I will complete over the next school year. The last 4 some time before summer of 2026.

Oh, dear, I just realized my youngest is graduating in 2026. Yikes!

Anyway, in addition to class, we started attending a church closer to home. We are enjoying Bible study on Wednesday evenings, and the pastor has graciously added a Sunday evening service the 3rd Sunday of the month to give me a chance to gain experience in preaching. For this, I am thankful.

My oldest daughter graduates this week from her cosmetology program and will start working at a local salon soon. I could not be more proud.

To wrap up this post, I just want to thank you all for reading. Keep on keeping on for Jesus, and let’s all pray for each other. Ok?

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