
Blind Mama Blues and Something Brand New

The pump that moves the water in our cats’ waterbowl will not work. I unplugged it and took it apart, but I can not find anything the matter with it. I asked my sighted daughter to look at it this morning, but she couldn’t fix it, either. Sigh.

Last summer I bought two laundry baskets. I bought a big black one and a small white one. Both are either missing or full of my daughters’ clothes. And, guess what? I need to do laundry. How many baskets should it take for a family of four? You’d think maybe one or two. Nope, there are four of them laying around—all full of my offsprings’ dirty laundry. Sigh.

I received a small but sweet financial blessing this morning. I have to go out of town next week, and I was worrying about how I would take lunch to the office everyday without spending extra money on take-out. The phone rings, and I am told that a small lunch will be provided. “What do you like?” He asked. “Peanut butter? What kind? Any specific brand? What about jelly? What about lunch meat?”

Isn’t that nice of them? I say, “Thank you, Lord. Now I don’t have to take a loaf of bread and jar of peanut butter.” LOL

Speaking of next week, I am starting a new job. I’m teaching braille to adult students. I have not worked outside the home in nearly nineteen years. I’m praying the skills I obtained while homeschooling my girls and taking ordination classes will help. 🙂 I know I can stay at home and teach long division, language arts and history. I know I can do all this and write books, because I’ve done it. But, can I stay in a hotel and go to work everyday and teach newly blind folks to read braille? We’ll soon find out.

Pray for me, and I’ll pray for y’all. Thanks for reading, and have a blessed weekend. I’m off to check my list of things to pack. 🙂

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